While at the Book-
store I picked up a book on experi-
mental digital photo-
graphy and it reminded me of the work done by my son, Keir M. Gatzka in this regard.
Opening Picasa 3 I located a number of Light experimental digital photos done by him, so I created this Collage of these works.
All I did was use Picasa 3 for the collage and resize it for display here so I made sure it was credited to my son with his copyright notice. He instinctively took these photographs without training or a copy of the book I was looking at. He used my Canon Rebel XTi Digital SLR.
I love the way the light plays on these images and they made a great collage to share. I know have the desire to experiment as well with this type of digital photography, and will in the near future.
Now playing: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Photographs
via FoxyTunes