I used various fills for this image, as is evident. I tried to keep it simple yet attractive. It is not a vector graphic but a bitmapped based image.
I like the vulnerability of the pose, holding up the long hair. It speaks of a openness that she has.
As far as music goes I did a Blues tune called "Broadband Blues". It's about the cost of having broadband connections to the internet when all one can afford is dialup. You miss out on things like training videos, music streaming, fast file downloads, it precludes any large downloads at all. I used a simple E7 A7 Bm7 chord structure, a good blues riff. I played around with the lead riff quite a bit. It turned out pretty good, in my humble opinion.
With that song I started a new group of songs for another 15 songs or so for a Audio CD. I completed "Fifth Time Around" with 15 songs, about an hour of music playing time. Fits easily on a single CD.
I am going to call the next one "One Tough Baby" and dedicate it to my wife who is one tough lady. A Cancer survivor, who has avascular necrois in both hips and lives with pain each day. She has allergic responses to most pain medications so she just grins and bears it. She gives of herself to a fault, and is aways there for me. What a gal! We hope she can have hip replacement surgery some time in the future, but for now the doctors are saying to wait.
So, I have a song title and a subject all I need is the chords, lyrics and melody for it. A nice challenge.
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