One famous folly was the Ford Edsel. It's unique design and lines are unmistakable, you always know it's an Edsel. In my estimation it was a car before it's time. Especially this model shown here.
I selected the photograph taken by my brother Kent M. Gatzka and cropped closely to highlight the uniquely designed car. It needs little customizing, it stands out on it's own. I used PhotoPaint to do my cropping and saved the file.
I opened that file in Paint.NET to apply the Effects> Artistic> Ink Sketch filter. Again boosting the color and minimizing the black ink lines a bit. I saved it again and reopened in PhotoPaint, selected KPT's Collection Lens Flare and added one to the image to increase color and interest.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Afro-Celt Sound System - Seed
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