Quite awhile ago we attended a Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary party. This is when we had a point and shoot digital camera, before I got my DSLR. This shot was taken by my son Keir M. Gatzka at that party.
I opened the file in Painter 8 and used Flaming Pear's ChromaSolarize filter on it to give it the look and feel it has now. It is an interesting way to look at details, like shadows and the balloons and lighting.
I added a double film frame using a fill on a fifty pixel border that I made from another photograph. I added the film frames with Filter Forge's Freepack3, one of my favorite framing techniques.
The effect was a simple way to make a striking image of the dancers. The couple are of Mexican descent and the music theme was Mexican and the dancing was marvelous.
Now playing: Concrete Blonde - Mexican Moon
via FoxyTunes
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