I began today's image as a large collage made in Picasa 3. There I used the collage aspect of super-
imposing photo-
graph upon photograph to create a background.
I opened PhotoPaint and using Picasa selected an older building photograph taken by my son Keir M. Gatzka in downtown Toledo, Ohio. I copied it to the clipboard and pasted it into the background.
In Paint.NET I turned the same building into an pen and ink image which I copied and pasted over the existing gray-scaled buildings image, using the object property Multiply to allow the background to show through.
In PhotoPaint I went to my Dover Publications clip art folder and selected an advertisement that I reshaped and resized to place on the side of the building. I used object property Opacity to alter the transparency of the advertisement to allow the brick work and cement work to show through.
I also selected another advertisement for the center block of the front of the building. which I sized and reshaped to fit. Also altering the opacity of it to add slight color to the building's heading. I added a stained glass window to one of the windows of the building.
I took an Art Nouveau frame which was portrait in size and made it a rectangle to fit the image for framing it. I altered the color to match the building's color.
I then added the Art Nouveau woman and cut her out while in PhotoPaint and pasted her into the image. I used the eraser to clean her up and applied object feathering to her, sizing her to the window to give the appearance of her reaching out. Then placed her with the Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow.
I upped the saturation of the picture a bit for boosting the color and used the Tone Curve to give it some depth.
Now playing: The Beatles - Hard Days Night
via FoxyTunes
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