A ballpoint pen sketch from an afternoon at the Secretary of State's Office done quite a while ago. I doctored it up in PhotoPaint, fixing the background.
Saving that file I opened it in Painter 8 and used some Painter 8 Wow! Book acrylic brushes, for the face and hair. Creating another layer I painted with Digital watercolor brushes to add color to the background and the blouse and jumper. I saved that file.
I opened up that file in PhotoPaint and added a Lamp and a frame with a rabbit on the wall from Dover Clipart, a little Art Deco feel.
I used Filter Forges' Freepack - Frames for a film frame in black.
On the music side I finished "I'm Counting On You" with a bridge finally, you can listen to it on My Page at Acoustic Guitar Community It's the first song listed on the media player at the left hand side of the page: