
Friday, April 2, 2010

Yellow Floral - Painter 8 Sumi-e

This image came from a desire to try out Painter 8's Sumi-e brushes. I prepped the piece from a photograph taken by my son Keir M. Gatzka. He was using our old digital camera in Macro mode to capture these flowers.

I opened the image in Paint.NET and ran a couple of filters on the image to simplify the details. I also created another layer and filled that layer with the light Spring green color. Dropping the layers they merged with some transparency due to the filter I used.

I saved this large file and opened it in PhotoPaint. I resized it and applied the Filter Forge's Watercolor Frame to it. I saved this image to a file.

Opening this in Painter 8 I cloned the file, then selected all and used Edit Clear and selected none to create a tracing paper. I used the Fine Sumi-e 30 brush to add back in details of this piece. For the background I set the Opacity to 30%, allowing the flowers to show up more clearly. This gave the painterly look and feel and some texture to the image.

Listening to: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Slow Ride

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