With the use of Dover Publications Clip Art and Mayang's Textures I created this digital collage, "Writing Machines." I selected in Picasa 3 a fossilized coral texture from my Mayang's Texture folder for the background. I opened it in PhotoPaint, I cropped this to a workable size and allowed the coral to show through. I then browsed my Dover folder for a Victorian corner embellishment and a round floral for some color with another Victorian clip art piece for an addition to the old fashioned theme.
I used the Tone Curve for depth and upped the saturation to boost the colors. I added the title into the collage using Courier New like a typewriter which I bolded then used the Effects> Distort> Plastic> on the words for a 3D appearance.
I have been re-reading Ted Nelson's book "Computer Lib / Dream Machines," where he coined the terms "hypertext," and "hypermedia," long before personal computers and the Internet as we know it existed. I have a copy of the 1987 Revised edition. The first edition came out in 1974 just before the Altair computer was invented. As I have been reading it this page of advertisements for the old fashioned writing machines peaked my imagination. for a subject for collage. Thus today's image was created.
The book is now a collectors item as it is out of print.
Now playing: Evis Costello - Every Day I Write The Book
via FoxyTunes
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