
Friday, October 8, 2010

Large Eye - Vector and Painting - Experiment

Another experi-
ment with the spiral and line adjust-
ment tool in CorelDRAW and Painter 8 along with PhotoPaint.

I also used some Dover Publications clip art to add to the image. I used a similar technique as I did on yesterdays image of an eye. Please review the procedures I used in my previous post and you will get the idea of techniques used.

The Eye has always been the fascination of many artists and abstract images of it abound in art. [click here for Wikipedia's Eye article] You can also do a search in one of the popular search engines for IMAGES of eyes. Try "Eye Artwork," I did and I found many interesting pieces of art of the eye.

Now playing: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - When Our Eyes Met
via FoxyTunes