
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Alaskan Mountains - Late Summer - Painter 8

Using Corel's Painter, Digital painting is very much fun. You start with a subject and you select your brushes, in this case Acrylic and Digital Watercolor, and you paint. Using the tracing paper function allows you to duplicate nicely the composition you have selected in your original photograph of the subject matter.

In Digital you can adjust so many things that you feel will add to your image and you can try them, but if they don't work, you have the undo feature which you don't have using traditional media.

I selected another photograph taken by myself of the Alaskan mountains North of Anchorage. There were predominately gray colors for the foreground which I altered, in PhotoPaint, using Image> Adjust> Hue / Saturation / Lightness. I increased the saturation by about nine. Now the colors are tinted and have more depth to them.

I try and vary my subject matter in my Digital Artworks for the blog to keep it fresh. I am also doing more Digital Painting for a change and this leads to pieces like today's.

Now playing on Windows Media Player: Jeremy Fryc - if you put two v's close enough together they make a w

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