Another painting done in ArtRage in 2007. I have used this image before in a collage I did, using it as a line drawing. Here I display it as it is originally. From a photograph by my son Keir M Gatzka and used as tracing paper in ArtRage.
I used all oil paint brushes for this piece. The assist in PhotoPaint was when I used the original photograph as an overlay object to bring in some highlights. Specifically the headlamp and the grill and emblem on the hood. I applied an opacity change to the overlay to let the details show lightly.
I really like the colors that ArtRage brought to the image, the light greens were unexpected with so much rust on the truck. The lines of the grill were a challenge, I made the oil brush as small as I could to get a finer line. The overlay helped here bringing back some details (see larger image.)
Still haven't had time to do any music but it is constantly before me as I work on these other projects. Stay tuned.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Eleanor Rigby Cover
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