If you look closely at the image posted today you will see a Face on the right. This face was suggested by the overlaid stucco texture placed upon the guitars. Honest it was there so I just drew what I saw.
It is odd how faces will present themselves in things like textures, wallpaper design, drapery, and other unusual places where you make be looking. On the floor the wall the reflection, if you are looking they look back at you.
I used PhotoPaint for this piece, I opened one of my guitar photographs, adding the texture using object property Multiply. I had to re-size the texture to conform to the photographs dimensions, done by hand eye dragging the corner of the texture.
I added a grunge frame with Filter Forges Freepack - Frames with some adjustments made to the stock grunge frame they give you. For what it does I really am liking using these frame filters. They add some depth and interest to my digital visual art.
I have been playing the guitars a bit and was using the chord progression you see here: Am C G Em F Dm7. I was fingerpicking which I need the practice in as I normally flatpick when I want that other than a strumming pattern. I have one basic fingerpicking pattern and it varies a little. Again having no formal training I do the best I can and have fun.
Listening to: Bob Seager - Simplicity
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