I found this watercolor portrait in my files yesterday. It's my Daughter and Son n Law sometime after their wedding, before they become new parents. They are younger here, which I can attest to being the parent.
I painted this with Painter 8's watercolor brushes. First I had used Painter's Sketch filter to give me a line image to work on. I selected a number of different brushes for this piece.
Using PhotoPaint I also applied Filter Forges Freepack - Frames for the watercolor look to the framing, added a 10pixel dark frame for viewing the larger image in your browser.
Yesterday I go out my 12-string Guitar and plugged it into my Toneport UX1 and suing the Gearbox software I looked up some chord progressions. I used a chord progression of A Bm C#m D E F#m G for some practice. I opened Audacity and began recording.
As with many incidents of recording I exported my tracks to an MP3 and listened to it in Windows Media Player. I kid you not it sounded horrible! I couldn't believe what started out to be a nice tune ended up so wrong! So I deleted it from my library and hard drive.
It may sound harsh but I still have the chord progression to play around with and I may create a more palatable song from it someday. But this one was not good at all. Sometimes that just happens!
Listening to - Blues Run One - by Kirk Mathew Gatzka
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