Tiger lilies are not in season here yet but soon will be. I took this cropped photograph of a single lily to paint today.
I opened the photograph in PhotoPaint and enlarged it by setting the dpi from 72 to 96 then to 128. I used the Tone Curve to deepen the shadows and color and upped the saturation by 7. I saved that file and proceeded to use other tools.
I simplified the photograph with a filter in Paint.NET which softened it and gave it an oil painting like appearance, without loosing much detail. Saving that file I opened in Painter 8 and cloned it and clearing the clone I applied the Tracing Paper.
Using the Digital Watercolor brushes, at varying sizes, I blocked in the general form and the dark background. I then took the Cloner Soft Brush to add back in some of the details of the pistils and the frilled edges of the flower.
I finished it off with a watercolor frame in Filter Forge's Freepack 3 - Frames.
My 7 day Trial of JamPlay.com ends today. I would like to recommend them to any beginning guitar player to advanced player. They have many lessons there in video and live chat sessions, many of which I just touched on. It was a thoroughly enjoyable week with them. [click here] for JamPlay.com.
Listening --- Open Book --- Kirk Mathew Gatzka
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