I used the "Faces" search in Picasa 3 to find a suitable portrait to paint, and discovered this photograph. I don't know who to credit for this photograph, if recognized I would like to credit the photographer, please email me or comment on this post.
I opened the large file in Painter 8 and used Painter 8 Wow! Book acrylics to begin. I used varying sizes and brushes for the underpainting and then the details.
Her hair has a wonderful flow to it and I tried to add to that with some lines and a coarse brush. I used the standard colors palette for the oranges and yellows and pinks. I used oil brushes, chalk, crayon and blenders.
After I finished painting the face and hair and clothing I saved the file and opened it in PhotoPaint. The original background was completely black, which I left white intentionally. I selected the white with the wand tool then used PhotoPaint's Effects> Custom> Alchemy> filter on it to make the background more colorful with orange and yellow paint daubs. I added some orange pen brushstrokes to the portrait to couple it with the background better.
I also added a few broad strokes to the background for interest. I saved the file then I resized it for posting here. I added a film frame from Filter Forge's Freepack 3 - Frames.
Listening --- Art for Arts Sake --- Kirk Mathew Gatzka
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