Using Painter 11 I gathered up some images and created a digital collage. I used a theme of circles for this image. I started with a rust texture from Mayang's Textures. Then using selections I copied and pasted new layers into the background.
As you can see I used the well known DaVinci drawing for one circle. An old rusty wheel for another, the watch is another and the soundhole of the guitar is the last. I did add a hand to the outstretched arm of the man holding a weighing mechanism for a bit of humor.
I used various layer attributes on each selection for transparency. Then I dropped all layers and saved the large file. Opening it in PhotoPaint I added a Filter Forge film frame. I resampled for the internet in PhotoPaint as well, saving that iteration for display here.
Now playing: Billy Preston - Will It Go Round In Circles
via FoxyTunes
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