
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ren Cen Knight Ink Print - Gouache - Watercolor - Painter 11 - PhotoPaint

Here is an Ink Print of a Renaissance type Knight from my Dover Publications samplers. I selected this from the same group the Troubadours, came from.

I opened it in PhotoPaint and resampled it to 96dpi to enlarge it for painting. Saving that file I opened with Painter 11 and selected a Gouache brush to begin on the horse. I switched to Karen's Watercolors and changed the opacity of the brush and used varying sizes to paint the rest of the piece.

Lots of detail in this ink print so it took some time to finish, but I enjoyed every minute. I saved the file of the painted horse and it's rider and reopened in PhotoPaint. There I used the wand tool to create a mask, masking out the Knight and horse and ground. I selected a picture from the Hubble Space Telescope for the fill. It placed the star, quite by accident on the knuckle of the fore leg of the horse. Which gives it some pizazz.

Now playing: America - A Horse With No Name
via FoxyTunes

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