Grunge Electric Guitar |
I opened
Picasa 3.9 and browsed my guitar photographs, I selected this
Electric Guitar and created a
Grunge look and feel to the image. I opened with
Corel PhotoPaint and resampled to 150dpi and applied the Local Equalization tool. This made the light background almost all white with some areas of color left over.
I used the Wand tool and created a mask covering the guitar. Then I used the Fill tool to make a gradient background of blues. I saved this file, then opened with
Corel Painter Photo Essentials 4.
I auto-painted using the Chalk features as a small Hatch brush. Then added the Pastels feature with a coarse background paper texture. Then I used the Simple watercolor auto-paint. I stopped that after it left the fine lines in the Guitar body.
I saved that file, then realized I wanted some more Texture to the image. I Opened with
Corel Painter 11 and used Apply Surface Texture Luminance. I saved that iteration.
To finish off the image I opened with
Corel PSP Pro X3 and added my signature using the Image, Visible Watermark to the Lower-right. I also added a blue border of 25 pixels. I then used the Image, Picture Frame using the same setting twice for a double painted square. I also added the small Black frame using Picture Frame.
I saved that file then resized for display for today.
Musically, I have been using
Steve Krenz' Pentatonic scales for C Major or A minor to play some blues riffs (lead) along with a track of Blues in A I found on YouTube. I have a plethora of Electric guitar styles with the
Gearbox software using the
Toneport UX1 from
Line 6. So I kept sampling differing lead riff sounds, just having a ball playing.