I have been enamoured of this way of creating images using Corel's Graphic Suite programs. Here is another Vector / Bitmap collage / montage piece I worked on today.
I love the guitar motif and add pretty girls and you can come up with a large variety of images.
I used CorelTRACE, CorelDRAW, and PhotoPaint to make this piece using similar techniques as I have before. I like the chunky funky feel of this style.
It generally starts with a photograph that I take or was taken by some one I know. At times I use those found on the web and I try to identify the original photographer to credit. I haven't found out who did the photo of the circle of guitars yet. If you recognize it, Please let me know it's origin so I can credit them properly.
I found out that my daughter has been doing some work on her PC in Photoshop 7 and am trying to talk her into sharing some of her work here in the future. She does really well using a mouse! Which is my down falling on the Mac G4 - no tablet from Wacom on it, so I don't use Photoshop 7 that much. I have Iomega's Zip100's on both machines so I can share data between computers. So I may use Photoshop 7 for some adjustments or filters from time to time. But it slows down the workflow so I don't usually do so.
Please feel free to comment on my work.
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