Here is another portrait, this time a mother and her baby. The original photograph was taken by David Benjamin in a casual setting at a gathering of friends, he was using my Canon Rebel XTi DSLR. I opened the photograph in Painter 8 and made a clone of it, selected all and cleared it then used the tracing paper. I started with pastels and used a few different pastel brushes.
I then switched to the acrylic brushes for more details in the eyes and mouths and ears. I got a painterly look with some realism thrown in as well.
I used PhotoPaint to take and mask out the faces and change the background, done in pastels, and filtered it using the Effects> Custom> Alchemy> filter. This gave the background a texture it hadn't had before, and it retreats more from the faces now.
I haven't attempted a portrait like this in some time. I usually go for less realism in my work, but these two together looked so good I wanted to capture that essence. I hope you enjoy it.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Bruce Cockburn - Great Big Love
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