Towards the end of the daylight, during twilight, I shot this photograph of a sleek and sweet ride. The driver had just pulled up to let a friend off and I was right there, so I took a couple of photographs.
I used PhotoPaint and KPT's Collection Pyramid Paint on the image to blend it out. I then filtered it through the Thredgeholder and copied that to the clipboard and undid it. I pasted the sketch onto the picture as an object and used the Object Property Color Burn to overlay it. This brought back into the piece the sleek lines of this sports car.
I resized the image for display here. I have been aware of the compression of my jpgs lately and have been making them a bit smaller for faster loading on the blog. I have been reading some about tips about blogging and the importance of certain features and image loading times. So I have improved the image compression and size, trying to avoid sacrificing quality.
I have been listening to music but not writing, I find myself in a lull for now. I do practice but nothing new has been coming out by way of lyrics and melodies. So I listen to a variety of styles and it is all going in, soon something will break out, of that I am confident.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Afro-Celt Sound System - Dark Moon, High Tide
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