"Playing On The Floor," is painted from a photograph I took laying on the floor with my Grandson, playing. I used my Canon Rebel XTi DSLR and proceeded to use my imaging programs to work on the image.
I first opened it in PhotoPaint and used the Local Equalization for high contrasts. Saving that large file I reopened in Painter 11 and began to create a muck up using the quick clone, with an ocher background. I used the Auto Van Gogh brushstrokes to make that and used the soft clone tool for the eyes, mouth and nose.
I selected so many differing brushes, some Acrylics some Oils some Digital Watercolors that I don't remember all the order I chose them in. I just painted away some times cloning other times not. I do remember using the liquid ink brush for the eye color a bright blue.
For the background I selected the Hurricane Distortion brush and the Marbling Rake for the background and foreground respectively. I generally softened or blurred the muck up with paint or distortion.
Back in PhotoPaint I adjusted the Tone Curve to brighten, upped the color saturation by 7 for a boost. I applied Filter Forge's watercolor frame, sizing it down a bit. And gave the piece a 20 pixel black border.
To complete the image I reopened it in Painter 11 and Applied Surface Texture Image Luminance for some brushstroke and framing textures. I lightened the effect so as not to make the image pixelated.
Now playing: Kenny Loggins - Playing With The Boys
via FoxyTunes
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