Today I wanted to do a Digital Collage. I had just received some Alphonse Mucha clip art from Dover Publications and decided to use that plus some additional Art Nouveau clip art also from Dover.
I opened Picasa 3 and browsed for a background in Mayang's Textures and found a textured glass image. I opened with PhotoPaint and selected a portion of that and copied it to the clipboard and pasted an File> New from Clipboard>.
I set this as the background with Shift CTRL DnArrow. Back in Picasa I browsed the Recently Updated picture file and located two Alphonse Mucha images. I copied and pasted them into the background in PhotoPaint. I used the Object Property> Lightness> to add some transparency.
I browsed my Dover Publications clip art for more Art Nouveau like art. and added a banner at the bottom and I mirrored a Face at the two opposite top corners.
Alphonse Mucha is one of my favorite Art Nouveau artists, [click here] for the Mucha Foundation website for further information on this artist.
Now playing: Inxs - Not Enough Time
via FoxyTunes
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