I belong to WetCanvas Forums and they have photograph galleries there. I searched on "portraits" and found a few new ones I haven't seen before. I opened this one in Painter 11 and decided to have a little fun with the image.
I selected the Pencils 2B pencil and began to color using selections of flesh tones and pinks for the face and golden colors for the hair. I used the 2B pencil for the image by resizing it various times. I wanted a colorful piece that had shapes and a bold appearance.
I also used some blenders, the blur and just water blenders to soften the piece. I have a few more portraits to select now and will be doing experiments with the different media in Painter 11.
I took the jpg file and opened it in PhotoPaint and resampled it for display here and added a photo frame with Filter Forge.
Now playing: Tony Furtado--Medley: I Will, Hazel Comes Home & The Bawds of Euphony
via FoxyTunes
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