Now that Painter 12 is in Beta Testing I've finally Upgraded to Painter 11! I received my package today and after doing some other business on the computer I installed the program and also installed a couple of patches for it.
The image being displayed is my first Painter 11 image. I selected a photograph of this huge tree with smaller ones in the background taken the same trip up Dixie Highway North, when I photographed the rusted old Dodge truck which I have shown here on the blog.
To make things easy on myself with the new program I selected the Quick Clone after I loaded up the photograph. I used the Bristle clone brush for the trees and for the foliage I used the Soft cloner and the watercolor cloner. This gave me details of the leaves, plants and ferns.
A simple approach but with instant results. After all I still made the brushstrokes and applied the softness of the image. So to me it is a digital painting.
In PhotoPaint I applied the Tone Curve and upped the saturation by 7. Then I added green borders for framing the piece. Here I resampled it for the internet to 1024 x 681 72dpi.
Thus far I like what I see in Painter 11. I am happy I upgraded.
Now playing: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Rockin' DADGAD
via FoxyTunes
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