David is our friend from Missouri who visited recently. He is a talented Photographer and Musician. He tried to help me learn simple scales on the guitar and also showed me how to use my Canon Rebel XTi on Manual. I am still hard on the learning curve of both. My dexterity on scales is deplorable, and my camera skills still need work. But He did his best to help and for that I thank him.
I opened this photograph in Paint.NET and used the Artistic> Oil Painting filter on it, then applied the Artistic> Pencil Sketch filter on it. Saving that file I brought it into Picasa 3 and adjusted the tint to a sepia-like tone. Using PhotoPaint I opened a photograph of his 6-string guitar and cut it out, copying to the clipboard.
I brought his photograph into PhotoPaint and pasted the guitar as an object, used Thredgeholder on it for a sketch like appearance, added a tint to it as well and floated a grouping of duplicates for the background. So he is surrounded by copies of his own guitar.
I played my new song ("Stay With You") for my sister n law yesterday and she liked it. So I am assuming it sounds pretty good as now my wife and her sister liked it. I really like the input, as I am not objective enough to know when a song is good or just mediocre. Input is good.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Beatles - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
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