Last Sunday night I took some low light photographs of a Lyon 6-string guitar. I played around with one of the better photographs and created this collage in PhotoPaint.
There is something about placing multiple guitar images one on top of another that is extremely satisfying for me. I would like to have a guitar collection so maybe that is why I make these collages of multiple guitars. If you click on the image for the larger view of it try using the F11 key to get the whole image on your screen, if you don't already know that little trick - F11 will hide the browser's tool bars and show only the image on screen. F11 again to go back to the browser.
I added some Fender picks that are pinkish in color using three of them to make a heart like shape. I also added my tuning peg winder into the mix. They are great when you are restringing a 12 string guitar, almost a necessity with all those strings to wind.
I have been working on a new song using E C E C E C E C; D F D F D F D F; G Em G Em Am D chords. I like the progression and the lyrics are pretty good. It is a song about a young man interested in an aloof, solitary young lady he is captivated by. He is trying to enter into a relationship but she remains just out of reach for him. I titled it "Can You Please Love Me." It is another Folk Rock song with some lead and background vocals. No drums, just the rhythm of the guitar for a back beat.
FoxyTunes is not working right for me for some reason. I upgraded to their latest version but it doesn't seem to work right. I can show what song I am listening to on Media Player but it leaves of the FoxyTunes attribution link. And it is not showing in my browser like before. I wrote them but haven't heard anything back.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Can You Please Love Me?
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