My friend of David Benjamin Photography used my Canon Rebel XTi to take this photo of our two guitars. He generally uses Nikon cameras to great style. But he did this for me along with a couple of other photographs of the guitars. He is quite talented a photographer.
I used Virtual Photographer by OptikVerve Labs to add a grainy look to this photograph. First I used Paint.NET to create a sketch of the image then saved that file. I opened in PhotoPaint both the original and the sketch and copied the sketch to the clipboard. I overlapped the sketch as an object and using the object properties "Multiply" I made the sketch transparent. I dropped the object to the background. Then I added the grain.
While David was visiting from Missouri we jammed together. I played the chord progressions and he played lead. It was a blast. We sounded pretty good to our audience of a few friends, according to their comments.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Ben Harper - Strawberry Fields Forever
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