Out of a garage someplace in Michigan a band is playing. What is a band without an audience? It is like the question "If a tree falls in the forest without anyone present, does it make a sound?" Well we all know that technically speaking the sound waves happen but, if no one is there to hear them can it be called sound? My answer has always been yes, sound happens therefore the sound is real whether someone hears it or not.
But a garage band without an audience is sort of a sad thing. The band needs to be appreciated by a group of persons to make the experience complete. So I present an image of a band with an audience for your pleasure.
This group appears to be working hard to please the listeners, and they have a little showmanship to boot. That always makes it more fun for both the band and the audience. I am certain this group is rocking and is moving some in it's group of listeners. As you can see some are listening with eyes closed to the current part of the song, others eyes wide open.
Each listener has his or her own experience related to the band's sound. Perception is an individual reality. And music can take you places. Like oldies can take you back to a time in your mind, so live music can transport you to a different place in your head. One hopes that it is enjoyment that you are experiencing. Certainly the band wants you to be enjoying yourself.
In getting the image ready for presentation I opened it in PhotoPaint and cropped out a lot of head space above the band and audience. I then duotoned it and resizing it I made it useful for the blog.
I hope May will be a great month for all!
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Everyday
via FoxyTunes
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