The front garden is growing nicely so I am presenting a digital collage of it. If you look closely you can see our steep driveway. The Tiger Lilies are not out yet but the Irises are looking great, and the snowball blossoms do too.
I used Picasa 3 to create this collage, I really like this feature of Picasa. I also opened it in Paint.NET to do a slight Ink Sketch filter on it for the sharpness of the lines.
I have yet to record "When the Stars Go Blue" cover of Tim Mcgraw. I haven't been up to it lately. But I plan to do so soon. I have been practicing and listening to it. In fact the song has been in my head a lot lately.
I have created a Music notebook using plastic sleeves for the sheets of paper, of my songs. I have over 50 songs I have written that are in this notebook. I have others that are on paper in pen or pencil to type up and to add to the notebook. I put them in alphabetical order and will probably put in a table of contents as well.
It is a really good project to put things in order and see how well I have done in my writing. It is nice to have them organized. I may add a group of songs that I have done covers of to flesh out this notebook and to keep them in a single place.
I have the songs presented with lyrics and chord progressions like you would see at a song site. I sometimes have chord charts with them if I have used unusual chords. I try to get a song on a single piece of paper with columns to facilitate reading and singing them, turning a page is difficult when you are playing your instrument.
I just use Notepad on the computer when I begin putting a song in computer writing. Then I use Microsoft's Word to create a header with the Title, Author, Album, Date (and copyright symbol.) I put the song in 2 columns to keep it simple. I don't use Tabs as many do and I don't score on the music scales either, although that would be a good way to be prepared for copyrights of the songs and arrangements.
But like many a song may begin as some notes on a note pad in pen or pencil. I even have begun some on drawing paper, legal pad paper, datebook paper, and of course scraps of paper. Bits of lyrics or poetry can be the beginning of a good song.
Any way you start a song is up to you. You probably have a way of beginning and documenting songs you have written. Lyricist Software is available for the serious writer, here is one example. Virtual Studio Systems has a couple of good software products for songwriters. I have not used the software but it has good reviews as one of the best out there.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Barenaked Ladies - Rebuild
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