I used PhotoPaint again on this image. I merged two photographs, one of which I made into a semi-transparent frame using a clip art frame from CorelDRAW. It became an unusual image. I purposely used asymmetric positioning of the blossoms of a flowering tree, and the frame is made from a different flowering tree. The sky was overcast, but I was experimenting with exposure and white balance anyway. I also used the Thredgeholder plugin to add some depth and linear coloring to the image.
FoxyTunes stopped working for me so I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it. But in its' current version it is not working right with Firefox. I've emailed them twice but have had no response. So I will not be showing what I am currently listening to music wise on the blog until I get it to work again. Right now I am not listening to any music anyway.
I've done some searching for a good DVD for learning melodic scales on the guitar and found that there are a multitude of them out there. Everybody wants your money! The so-called "best" are over $100.00 for multiple DVD's and CD's and documentation. I can get 30 minutes of a teachers time for $18.50 locally, but that would quickly build up out of proportion with my budget.
So I plug along on my own playing leads by ear, and not doing such a good job of it. I'll keep practicing but I am again poised on a bad habit learning curve. I'd rather have help. I will go to a book store and see what I can find by way of a book/DVD for guitar scales.
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