Searching for portraits I discovered the work of Vincent Boiteau on Flickr. His work is listed with a Creative Commons Attribution so I am giving him credit on the woman's portrait I used in my derivative piece shown here.
I took the woman's face into Paint.NET and used the Artistic> Pencil Sketch filter on it. I brought it and my Guitar photograph into PhotoPaint where I cropped the face and copied it to the clipboard then pasted it into the guitar image as an object.
I used the object properties and applied "multiply" on the face. Then I merged the two together. I gave credit for the portrait on the image to Vincent. I also used OptikVerve Labs Virtual Photographer to add grain to the guitar image at 1600 ASA Film #2. I love good grain in a photograph.
Now It appears that I have a mural face on the wall in my office/studio. Which would be cool, but I'd use a photograph of my wife instead, I do have three works on my walls that are framed with images of her as a younger woman, now. It is our Thirty-fourth Wedding anniversary on the Twenty-fourth of this month. So happy anniversary for us, this weekend!
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Beck - Tropicalia
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