Most of you have read that I play an acoustic 12-string guitar with a Seymour Duncan Woody pickup for amplification. I had a Takamine Acoustic Electric 6-string at one time but have sold it. Now I would enjoy having an electric guitar to play those higher lead notes on the fret board.
While I am waiting for the right time to get one I try to satisfy my desire with the guitar models and cabinet models found in the Gearbox software that comes with the Line 6 Toneport UX1. They have a number of models that I haven't even used yet and you can customize your own based upon a model by changing the settings.
It's enough to keep me happy with my Acoustic guitar.
I was looking for guitar information to share in this post and came across a chart Called the Guitar Family Tree, and while it does not include the advent of the electric guitar I am sharing the link. It is an interesting basic chart of the history of the guitar up to the acoustic guitars of today.
Today's image was done in Corel's PhotoPaint. I used a few guitar images, some acoustic some acoustic electric. The background is from an overexposed photograph of lights on the highway, taken by my son Keir M Gatzka. I modified it with the Effects> Art Strokes> Crayon> filter and also adjusted the Tone Curve and Saturation a bit to jazz up the colors. I used the object properties Difference and Multiply for the guitars. I merged it down to one layer. I liked the colors I ended up with through the Difference property. I added a bit of grunge fonts to complete the piece.
Listening to Raising Sand by Alison Krause and Robert Plant, my favorite lately.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Alison Krause - Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)
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