Hard to believe I have reached my 200th post on my blog. Time has passed by and I have tried to keep it entertaining and imaginative, personal and yet technical at times.
My blog is about Digital Visual Art and Music and I think I've done a fair job keeping it real and on track.
Today's image is another Grunge based one. I added some nonsense text, some chords and part of a lyric chorus for the piece. I used a background of rock and an Alvarez guitar doctored up with Thredgeholder filter and KPT's Collection Pyramid Paint filter on it. I stretched the image of the basket and pulley for interest, which was made into a Pencil Sketch in Paint.NET and overlaid with object property of Color Burn with transparency. All done in PhotoPaint.
I like the new grunge fonts I recently got off the net. One is called Ugly Face! Another is called Yukon Gold. Love free fonts from FontSpace and Chank and others.
Search "Free Fonts" and discover what is out there.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Spending the Afternoon - Original
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