Could not resist the desire to use as many grunge fonts as I could on one image. "Owning Multiple Guitars Must be Fun" is such a piece. Like the ransom notes referred to when digital design was younger, I used a number of fonts to express my desire to own more than one guitar.
I added some Vector work as well. I used primarily PhotoPaint and CorelDRAW. A sand textured background with Thredgeholder filtered multiple guitar image. Duplication of one image and the addition of two others done using object properties Color Burn and Difference. I used some symbols, fitting text to a path, spiral tool, and the freehand drawing tool.
I have been working on recording my song "Who, What Where, When Why and How?" I am using a chord progression that I really like.
Capo on the third fret: D Em F#m, for the verses, G A F#m Bm, G A G A, for the chorus. I have recorded it three times now, this last time with my son singing a soft background to it. The song is coming along, I don't have any lead at this point as it is more Folk Rock than anything else. I may not add any lead as it doesn't seem to need it.
It is coming along fairly well. My son liked the simplicity of it and I respect his opinions.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Collective Soul - Dandy Life
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