Even I found myself inad-
vertently affected by all the publicity surrounding Micheal Jackson's death. I had been doing some songwriting and was adlibbing a chorus to a song I was working on.
It became a song titled "I Want You Back", unintentionally a line from one of MJ's songs. But the song must have been in the back of my mind someplace where it came out.
Now the song doesn't sound at all like his. It has the rumble of a jet at the beginning and has a dance beat to it but it sounds more like Rock than the music of MJ.
I won't be selling it anyway. But it was surprising to me that it was subliminally there, even my wife commented on it. I was affected by all the publicity as well as millions of others. Though I am not a real fan, as my generation was earlier than his by quite a few years with my roots in the 60's and early 70's. So I was kind of shocked that I found that influence was in my mind.
I am sharing another guitar montage made in PhotoPaint from a number of different photographs. I used the Little Inkpot's Thredgeholder for the lines effects and did a lot of shrinking and object placing using the properties of difference and multiply. I also flipped vertically the image and superimposed it on as a transperancy. I tried to keep it colorful and detailed so one can take time to examine it to see the details.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - ADEE7run II
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