Imagination must be present for Inspiration to work for any creative activity. Be it the visual arts or music, or poetry, fiction, etc. Imagination is simply, important.
I have been sharing images from my sketchbook with some painterly watercolor coloring and shaping. Today I am sharing a piece entitled "Guitar Solo" which was built from an image from the sketchbook named "Peter", with some Vector graphics added.
I used Painter 8 for the watercolor effects on the fictional face and CorelDRAW for the vector pieces.
I used some imagination to add to the simpler sketch and it developed into a larger piece of artwork. If you look closely you will see sketches from DaVinci, superimposed on the image. He is one who had much imagination and was inspired in his use of sketchbook/notebooks.
Wikipedia states this about imagination:
"The common use of the term is for the process of forming new images in the mind that have not been previously experienced, or at least only partially or in different combinations."
I almost think I went overboard with my "different combinations," with today's image. I think the guitar background a bit busy for the whole piece. But, I am showing it to demonstrate that imagination and inspiration work together in the creative process. It may not always produce the best of images, but it always produces something new.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Beth Orton & William Orbit - Water from a Vine Leaf (Underworld Remix)
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