Grunge is my fun of the moment. I mean in design, I have been getting some great grunge backgrounds form the web. Dr. Web Magazine has quite a few textures that I like. I will probably try to work them into my images for a period, as I like the theme and I like to do a series of images as a motif for the blog.
Wikipedia has some interesting links for the search "grunge design".
I took today's background from TextureLovers.com again. That and a few guitar images in PhotoPaint. I used object properties on the guitars "dodge burn" and placed them around the grunge background.
I decided to load the image up in CorelDraw and do some Vector work on it. I hand drew the swirls and stars and flowers and used some symbols from a dingbat font. Just wanted to try a bit of design work outside the bitmapped arena.
I haven't been a big fan of Grunge the "Seattle Sound" as far as the music scene goes. But I did pick up Kurt Cobain's "Notebook" once at the bookstore and looked it over. He seemed like a regular Gen X type of person. I did not care for the use of profanity in it so I did not read the whole thing. Just my opinion, not to detract from his fandom.
I am working on a few more grunge based images including guitars and perhaps some Vector work too. It remains to be seen. Stay tuned.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Kirk Mathew Gatzka - Got Your Clouds In My Sky
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