Motor City Guitars has such a great selection of all types of stringed instruments. I browsed in Picasa 3 and located this photograph taken there. I opened with PhotoPaint and continuing with a motif of high contrast grunge like look and feel I created this image.
I first applied the Local Equalization tool for the contrasts. Then I used the Tone Curve to darken and give depth to the piece. I also upped the saturation by 15 for a color boost. Opening the free Filter Forge's Photo Effects plugin I applied Vibrance to it for greater contrasts. I really like the wood texture this highlighted the guitars and the slatted wall.
You'll notice that the dark guitar with the design on it is a left handed guitar, made and strung for a left handed player. It also added a bit of interest to the photograph.
Still in PhotoPaint I applied Filter Forge's film frame and added my signature. After saving this large file I resampled for display here.
Now playing: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Wooden Ships
via FoxyTunes