Listening to Citizen Cope's Back Together as I am posting this today. Here is a portrait I did from my imagination. I used some old packing paper with white Gesso on it for color, texture, and tactile feel. I used pastels and pastel pencils to create this piece. It is larger than this but what you see is what my scanner could scan in and you get the sense of what the larger image is.
I wanted to show how I use traditional media and digital media together. After I scanned the pastel piece in I opened it in Painter 8. I used the acrylic brushes with texture added. As you can see if you click the image for the larger one there are things like the fold in the paper, the strokes of the pastels, and the digital strokes visible.
I created a unique blend of pastels and digital tools. I titled it "Harold", no apparent reason just came to my mind as I finished it up.
I am a bit discouraged today as my plans did not work out for the day. I imagine that happens to all of us. You plan and yet something comes up and changes the plan. Rather unsettling for me. I imagine others look at it as a challenge to employ their creativity and put it to use. So I am going to try that today. I need to do some creative activity. That will definitely help.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
via FoxyTunes
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