As I mentioned, tomorrow will be a busy day, and I probably won't have the time to post. So this is for tomorrow. An abstract reworked vector piece. It started as a photograph I took of my 12-string in it's case.
I opened it in PhotoPaint and did some cropping to focus more closely on the guitar and case. I copied and pasted that into CorelDRAW and using bitmap Trace in CorelTRACE I turned it into a vector image. I saved that to Corel's native CMX format and reopened it in CorelDRAW.
There I ungrouped all the vectored pieces, I pushed and pulled some of the image to tweak it into an abstract. I love the headstock for the 12-string, it looks so large compared to a 6-string headstock, which is an understatement!
The lake today is gray reflecting the overcast sky. Gray is a good way to describe it right now. Sunny earlier the clouds moved in and that was that. In every state I have ever lived in they say about their weather, "If you don't like it wait 20 minutes and it will change." Funny how that is.
Now playing on Windows Media Player: Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird
via FoxyTunes
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